At Clover Creek Cheese Cellar, we’re passionate about one thing: producing delicious products from grass-fed cows on pasture, whether it’s tasty beef, rich raw milk, or fine cheese.
We share this passion with Dr. Sylvia Onusic, an expert in nutrition science and a fervent advocate for raw milk enthusiasts everywhere. Dr. Onusic emphasizes the importance of grazing mammals, particularly cows, in producing nutritionally rich foods that have sustained humans for generations.
The Nutritional Benefits of Grass-Fed Milk
The secret lies in the pasture. Our cows roam freely, grazing on lush green fields, soaking up the sunshine, and indulging in the natural goodness of the outdoors. Unlike cows fed on grains, soy, or other unnatural diets, our grass-fed beauties produce milk superior in taste and packed with essential nutrients.
Dr. Onusic underscores the significance of fat-soluble vitamins, including A, D, K1, K2, and E, abundant in milk from grazing cows. These vitamins support your bone health, organ function, and overall well-being. Plus, our grass-fed cows provide high-quality protein, valuable fats, and a myriad of other nutrients essential for your healthy lifestyle.
100% Grass-fed
At Clover Creek Cheese Cellar, we are the sole 100% grass-fed raw milk farm in central Pennsylvania. We’ve divided our farm into 20 paddocks, allowing us to rotate our cows regularly, ensuring they always have access to fresh, nutrient-rich pasture. With each move, our cows enjoy a new patch of grass, preventing overgrazing and producing the highest quality milk.
But that’s not the only thing that makes our farm unique. We boast a diverse herd of dairy breeds, from brown Jerseys to speckled Normande to roan Milking Shorthorns. These happy cows spend their days basking in the sunshine, munching on fresh green grass, and producing milk that’s simply unparalleled.
So, when you savor a slice of our cheese, sip a glass of our milk, or sauté some of our ground beef, know that it’s not just a delicious indulgence—it’s a testament to the magic of grazing, the dedication of our farmers, and the unparalleled quality of Clover Creek Cheese Cellar.