To profitably produce a wholesome product that is healthy for our family, our animals, our community, and our environment. Our vision is to accomplish this through the following goals:

  • We seek simple, creative solutions to solve complex problems holistically by using appropriate technology, both new and traditional for balancing optimum production at the lowest cost.
  • We provide a clean, natural living and working environment resulting in a sanitary and tasteful product.
  • We daily promote the value of family unity through integrated learning of faith, work and play.
  • We give the animals freedom to be outdoors in the fresh air and sunshine, eating tasty grass, exercising, and relaxing on green pastures.
  • We choose natural remedies and stress-reducing practices to minimize vet prescribed antibiotics while caring individually for each animal.
  • We manage soil by using compost and organic compounds to reduce use of manufactured supplements.
  • We patronize local resources to build lasting relationships with our community.
  • We believe that farming provides our family with a healthy and wholesome lifestyle in which to live and work in harmony with the world around us.